Kieron Gait – Kieron Gait Architects

End of Fin Year Bash Oxford St 054Kieron Gait (pictured right at Oxford Street Bulimba Marketing’s End of Budget Year Bash at Bulimba) and partner Wei moved to the local area in 2003, into a post war home which needed alot of work to fit the needs of a young couple who loved entertaining & had family arriving from overseas for extended visits. Kieron being an architect & Wei an interior designer, still managed to take four years to get their act into gear. As owner builders, architect & designer, they worked arduously to complete what was to become an award winning renovation project. This renovation became their first project in their portfolio for Kieron Gait Architects. Fast forward six years & two children later, Kieron & Wei have ingrained themselves in the local community & love calling Bulimba home. 2013