Pedestrian Hawthorne Hub Humming Along

IMG_5915Easily accessible only 650 metres from our recently upgraded Hawthorne Ferry & City Cat Terminal is Hawthorne’s newest evolving pedestrian retail & business hub, HAWTHORNE CENTRAL – our Hawthorne centre precinct prominently positioned on Hawthorne Road Hawthorne in Brisbane. Well established retailers & businesses including our Hawthorne Cinema, Hawthorne Garage & Hawthorne Cellars are already well patronised. With new additions including Velocity Property Qld‘s head office & Marinara Restaurant Hawthorne complementing this urban precinct. As well our new 60-70 seat luxury cinema & restaurant complex at the corner of Hawthorne Road & Lindsay Street is taking shape, with the developers hoping for a December 2015 launch. Story & Images Credit: Oxford Street Bulimba Marketing & Hawthorne Central .. Facebook: Website:

10959743_843350239046166_3408054714513719097_nBrisbane City Council‘s overall outcomes for this precinct as documented in our Bulimba district neighbourhood plan/NPP-003 are: * The Hawthorne centre precinct will develop into a consolidated centre with a low- rise village feel which serves the local needs of Hawthorne residents and supports the facilities and services provided in the Oxford Street, Bulimba precinct. * The retention of existing commercial and residential character buildings maintains the village aesthetics of the precinct.

image002* Key corner sites provide important local landmarks and new development retains traditional commercial character building forms and active commercial and retail frontages at these locations. * Development accommodates overland flow from the Pashen Creek overland flow path and is designed and located to minimise risk from high water conditions. * Development respects and integrates with character buildings, particularly the cinema, using traditional design elements, whilst establishing a cohesive built form identity for the precinct. * Shared access and servicing arrangements avoid a net increase in driveway crossovers to Hawthorne Road, retaining the fine-grain commercial character of the precinct and improving the function and safety of the pedestrian realm. * Development which is retail focused provides active frontages to Hawthorne Road and its corner with Lindsay and Orchard streets and the park. * Park Street should not be activated given the impact this would have on residential premises. Above ground level, offices, home businesses and multiple unit dwellings are considered generally appropriate. * Development retains and enhances the character and functional elements of the neighbourhood plan area, in particular: ** character residential housing is retained and adaptively re-used for commercial and retail or home based business uses; ** development maintains the established built form along Hawthorne Road provided by the existing character housing; *** where a site is not improved by a commercial character building or character dwelling, multiple dwellings may be consistent with the outcomes sought provided that proposals respond to the adjoining streetscape character and complement the dominant retail function of the village.” Source: