Judy Harbison – Bulimba Veterinary Surgery

Meet the Dr Dolittle of Bulimba, Judy Harbison. Judy has been the local veterinarian and owner of Bulimba Veterinary Surgery since September 1994. The original clinic started out down on Oxford Street before moving to the multivet, purpose designed clinic now situated at 154 Hawthorne Road, Hawthorne. Following in her father’s footsteps to become a vet, Judy has always had a passion for providing the best possible animal care for her patients. Judy splits her time between patient care, surgery, study, education and supporting animal welfare issues in the community. Judy, husband Andrew and young family of three have lived in the area for 19 years, enjoying a long association with Bulimba State School, Easts Rugby Club, and Morningside Tennis Centre. Avid animal lovers they share their house with an energetic Burmese cat named Flower. 2015

Profile: www.oxfordstreetbulimba.com.au/directory/bulimba-veterinary-surgery/